Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lunch with the newly pregnant couple

Today I wanted to take some pictures of Baby Tae having lunch with his future friend "Sticky." Sticky is 10 weeks old and still in his mommy's tummy. Sticky is probably about 1" long, and weights onces. Sticky is already adored, pampered, and his arrival in December is greatly anticipated. Unfortunately, Baby Tae did not take any pictures with Sticky because we were too busy walking him around. He missed his morning nap and was a little tired and restless. We managed to have a nice lunch at the Golden Hotel. The day was glorious and windy. We might have also had lunch sitting next to an ultra-marathoner- (damnit Banker won't tell me his name because he is embarrassed of his crush).

Baby Tae has simi blocked tear ducts. This means he tears easily and it does not drain properly. So he constantly has eye boogies. On a windy day, it is extra boogielicious. The pediatrician says this is quite normal but if the tear ducts don't open by 1, we will have to think about surgery. Yeah, lets just poke my little Baby's eyes so his tears can drain properly. I think I can wait a little longer before I decide on such a procedure. But on days where his poor little eyes are boogered shut, I do feel quite badly for him.

Going back to my Sticky and Baby Tae story. Sticky's parents are awesome. They have been fun friends in Colorado. Sticky's daddy is a pilot and is gone 4 days at a time. Sticky's mom is ready for the challenge of being a single mom for a few days a week. But she shouldn't worry about that now. She just wants Sticky to get big and fat in her belly. Well not too big and fat since her "crazy" doctor told her to only gain 25 pounds. HAH! I told her I only know 1 woman who gained 25 pounds and she was already 25 pounds over weight! I know more women who gained 70 pounds than I do 25. She should be happy and not worry about such a crazy figure. I told her I proudly gained 38 pounds and loved every swollen pound. Notice how I did not round that number up to 40. Hmmmhmmm...


The Schueler Family said...

i swear, I think everyone is getting pregnant =)
I'm glad Baby Tae will have lots of friends to play with. Too bad we live so far away =(

ArticulateDad said...

Of course, Soo, if you weighed more than 98 lbs normally, 25 extra probably would've done you.

Cheryl said...

You tickled my funny bone. Eye boogies! I hope you don't mind that I laughed.

I think I only gained 20-25 lbs with each pregnancy, and lost most of it right away (breastfeeding is a great diet plan). It's sitting at a desk for 40 hours a week that grows my behind.