Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My First Mother's Day

Fish or teething baby?

Aloha anyone?

The baby was never in any danger!

For my first Mother's Day ever, the family went to a nice Sunday Brunch at a local hotel. We managed to get up, get dressed, and arrive at the restaurant on time.

One of my pet peeves is people who are alway late and use their kids as the excuse. "YAH, I remember you before kids and you were perpetually late!" Ok, I must admit, I occasionally run late but I am trying hard not to become "that person."

Going back to my Mother's Day recap. At brunch, Baby Tae was very entertained and sweet for about 45 minutes. This is impressive.... always try to find restaurants with lots of ceiling fans and lights! Afterwards, we went for a nice walk downtown and by the creek. Baby Tae was fascinated by the water, the trees, the ground, the sky... everything but daddy who was trying to get his attention behind the camera.

The perfect day ended with a glorious nap for baby and mommy! Almost forgot to mention, my son slept for 9 hours straight that night... that may be the greatest gift of all. Too bad, daddy kept me up because he was nervous about Baby Tae sleeping so long! :)

Enjoy the pictures.


Cheryl said...

What an adorable little boy and a cute Hawaiian shirt, too. Great picture of you two. But where's daddy? Behind the camera I suppose. We suffer from a lack of pix of dad for the same reason. ;)

Congratulations on the new blog!

"Tae's Mom" said...

Yup- daddy's behind the camera. He is very camera shy or at least web shy.

Alex Gong said...

Oh his smile is so cute!

Looks like he's well on his way to mastering a wide range of expressions.

Max just started sleeping longer, hopefully he'll be going through the night soon too. Hopefully one day they'll get to meet and be Pairs Table Tennis Champions!

"Tae's Mom" said...

You are so new school maximus gong! I still prefer PING PONG. Btw, they will of course play under the US flag. I have to say though, with Baby Tae's long torso and short Korean legs, he is going to need a Olympic Trampoline partner.

ohh, I met another MAXIMUS! He is 4 months old and the son of our favorite bartender.

See you this summer for a play date. Best to My.

Riley's mom said...

Wow that baby is cute and I bet he has a cool aunt Jenny

xandtrek said...

That baby really is cute, with a beautiful forehead -- I bet he has a really awesome aunt Kathy.

"Tae's Mom" said...

His aunties are the coolest, the awesomest, the bestest ever! And that forehead comes from the Wisconsin side!

The Schueler Family said...

I think our baby will have the same problem, "long torso short korean legs"
Hopefully ours will be just as cute as yours ;)